Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Selling Online - Help

It has been a few days since I posted.  We've had a snow storm and technical difficulties.. The good news is I am wood burning. 

Currently I am working on  a cute little porcupine.  He was nestled in the corn husks last year eating his fill.  I don't have a picture to share with you yet, I'd rather wait until I have him finished.  I am also working on my son's picture.  It is coming okay.  The eyes and chin line are giving me trouble, but I'll work it out.

February for me is always a tough month,  winter blues or cabin fever.  I find it hard to be too productive so it is great to be working on something.  I find much of my time is consumed trying to get online retail up and selling.  This is new for me and I have much to learn.  

Here is where I would value your advise.  If you have any good tips on how to get things to sell on Ebay, Etsy any other place please pass them on. 

The picture on this block are some of the pieces I have sent to a shop to sell of consignment.  Along with the Cherry cabinet that I talk about a while back.    Things are slow and tight.  I don't intend for this to be a downer post - It is the same everywhere. 

Hopefully it happens soon. 

- Take Care -

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