Sunday, January 20, 2013


January 20, 2013

     This is my first entry on my first blog - and I am finding it a bit intimidating.  I will try hard not to babble as I do when I am nervous.  The mission of this blog is to introduce myself as a Artist and to get myself out there.  I am new to this Artist business, even though I am getting on in years (the Big 50 in November). The past couple of years have been tumultuous, filled with many ending and beginnings. 
     During one of the life changing moments, I stumbled upon a Pyrography Magazine, published by Fox publishing.  Within its folds I learned the term pyrography, and that this was an ART form - writing with fire.  The idea that my hobby was an artform was a concept that - well - itched.  It niggled at me and I twisted it around in my head for a long time.  Up until this time I burned some boxes for fund raisers, and did some paid work for a carpenter friend, but I didn't think of it as artwork.  But what I did do was try out the techniques and I began to create more pieces. 
     My work improved, but it still wasn't where I knew it could be.  Then Christmas came.  My loving husband's gift changed my pyrography work immensely.  A professional, variable temperature, interchangeable pen, pyrography machine.  With heat that was instant, constant and changeable, I was able to get the shading, depth and quality I was looking for.  I still have a long way to go, but with these tools I am excited about the journey. 
     In this blog I plan to introduce one of piece every day.  Please share with me your thought and opinions.  You can always email me here: 

 Here is Morning Glory Coffee Table.  This was a table I picked up at a second hand shop.  It was stained walnut brown and had seen better days.  Strippers and sanding revealed this beautiful wood grain.  Water damage and stains became rich soils for this flowering vine to spout from.  The transformation was amazing, and the affirming comments were so uplifting.

To own a Terry's Niche original you can go to my ETSY shop here:
or you can bid on one of my Ebay auctions here:

     Have a Great Day!

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