Saturday, January 26, 2013

Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

     Not as Cold today - I'm going into the shop.  Woot!

      When I first started wood burning, oh 20 some years ago I bought a boat load of wooden boxes from everywhere.  They were in need of sanding and some repair, but made an inexpensive canvas for my pyrography.  I had a cheap wood burn pen with maybe five tips.  The kind that screw in and you just plug in the pen to heat up. 
     Many of my boxes sold at fairs and fundraisers to benefited playgroup, preschool, and church groups.  At one of these event a gentleman said to me, "You have potential.  Keep practicing and you will be real good one day."  Then he moved on.  At first I was insulted, then discouraged.  As time went by and I got better equipment and more 'practice' under my belt, I learned to judge my work and became as critical (or more so) than that stranger.  He was right, and it took a few years for the words to sink in to the right spot.

Today I make my boxes and my equipment allows for a finer touch.  I am more choosy of my designs and the finished product.  I might not be 'real good' yet but some days I think I am getting close.  Thank you stranger for helping me see my work with a professional eye, instead of a crafter who says that is pretty good.

- Take Care -

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