Thursday, January 31, 2013

Juried Art Show Enteries

Blustery day here - I think Piglet just flew by my window.

Before the power goes out again, I want to post today.  This morning I was preparing two of my pieces for a juried art show.  It is the first time I have ever entered a contest of this type, and I am a bit nervous for the outcome and comments.  The first piece I have entered is Peregrine Falcon that I introduced a few days ago.

The second piece I am entering is called Elephant Kiss, pictured below.  The pyrography project started from a photograph.  The picture was rendered grey scale, then I reduced the number of colors in the picture, lastly I found the edges.  Printed, this template was perfect for tracing the outlines of these elephants.  The photograph had heavy shadows covering most of the right elephants face, so I sketched in details as best I could.  Most of the pyrography work is comprised of dots, however there are some lines so it is not true pointillism. 

What do you you think about these pieces?  Wish me luck and if you are in Massena, NY visit the Public Library and vote for your favorite piece in the show.
- Take Care -

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