Thursday, January 24, 2013

Finds - Telephone table

I thought it was cold yesterday (-14 F) - This morning it is -21 F. Yikes! I haven't been able to get into the shop in a few days, my heater won't take the chill off with these temps.

One of my favorite things to do is to Recycle wood pieces. Taking an old grungey piece and refinishing, refurbishing or repurposing it is so satisfing. The first piece I did was this telephone table. I pick it up at the Salvation Army for ten bucks. The top was split and the front was warped so badly you could slide your hand into the drawer while it was shut. It took months to get the warp out of the top and sand off the blackened layers of paint, stain and old finishes. The original drawer pull crumbled to pieces as I unscrewed it from the drawer front. It was in bad shape.

I carved an apple blossom fron pine to replace the drawer pull. The top and front were burned with apple blossoms. The rest of the piece was layered with polyurethane. I sold it for $65.

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